Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. element               
1. sul.fur or sul.phur \'s*l-f*r\ n [ME sulphur brimstone, fr. L sulpur, 
   sulphur, sulfur] 1: a nonmetallic element that occurs either free or 
   combined esp. in sulfid es and sulfates, is a constituent of proteins, 
   exists in several allotropic forms including yellow orthorhombic crystals, 
   resembles oxygen chemically but is less active and more acidic, and is used 
   esp. in the chemical and paper industries, in rubber vulcanization, and in 
   medicine for treating skin diseases 2: something that suggests sulfur 
2. sulfur \-f(*-)rin\ vt or sul.fur.ing : to treat with sulfur or a sulfur 