Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. instance               2. model                 
1. ex.am.ple \ig-'zam-p*l\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L exemplum, fr. eximere to 
   take out, fr. ex-] + emere to take - more at REDEEM 1: a particular single 
   item, fact, incident, or aspect that is representati ve of all of a group 
   or type 2: someone or something that serves as a pattern to be imitated or 
   not to b e imitated {a good ~} {a bad ~} 3: a parallel or closely similar 
   case esp. when serving as a precedent or m odel 4a: a punishment inflicted 
   on someone as a warning to others  4b: an individual so punished  5: an 
   instance (as a problem to be solved) serving to illustrate a rule or  
   precept or to act as an exercise in the application of a rule
2. example \-p(*-)lin\ vt or ex.am.pling 1: to serve or use as an example 
   of  archaic  2: to be or set an example to