Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. spring                
1. flow \'flo-\ \-in-le-\ vb [ME flowen, fr. OE flo-wan; akin to OHG 
   flouwen to rinse,]wash, L pluere to rain, Gk plein to sail, float 1a1: to 
   issue or move in a stream  1a2: CIRCULATE  1b: to move with a continual 
   change of place among the constituent particl es {the molasses ~ed slowly} 
   2: RISE {the tide ebbs and ~s}  3: ABOUND  4a: to proceed smoothly and 
   readily  4b: to have a smooth uninterrupted continuity  5: to hang loose 
   and billowing  6: COME, ARISE  7: to deform under stress without cracking 
   or rupturing - used esp. of m inerals and rocks 8: MENSTRUATE  1a: to cause 
   to flow  1b: to cover with water : FLOOD  2: to discharge in a flow  - 
   flow.ing.ly av
2. flow n 1: an act of flowing  2: FLOOD, FLOOD  3a: a smooth uninterrupted 
   movement  3b: STREAM  4: the quantity that flows in a certain time  5a: 
   MENSTRUATION  5b: YIELD, PRODUCTION  6a: the motion characteristic of 
   fluids  6b: a continuous transfer of energy