Webster's English Dictionary

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1. for.age \'fo.r-ij, 'fa:r-\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. OF, fr. forre fodder, of 
   Gmc origin; akin to OHG fuot] [2forage]ar food, fodder - more at FOOD 1: 
   food for animals esp. when taken by browsing or grazing  2: the act of 
   foraging : search for provisions 
2. forage vt 1a: to strip of provisions : collect forage from  archaic  1b: 
   SPOIL, PLUNDER  2: to secure by foraging {foraged a chicken for the feast}  
   1: to wander in search of forage or food  2: to secure forage (as for 
   horses) by stripping the country  3: RAVAGE, RAID  4: to make a search : 
   RUMMAGE  - for.ag.er n