Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. gather                
1. col.lect \'ka:l-ikt, -.ikt\ n [ME collecte, fr. OF, fr. ML collecta, 
   short for oratio ad colle]ctam prayer upon assembly : a short prayer 
   comprising an invocation, petition, and conclusion; sp ecif, often cap : 
   one preceding the eucharistic Epistle and varying with the day
2. col.lect or col.lect.able \k*-'lekt\ \-'lek-t*-b*l\ vb [L collectus, pp. 
   of colligere to bind together, fr. com- + (Xlegere to gather 1a: to bring 
   together into one body or place  1b: to gather or exact from a number of 
   persons or other sources {~R taxes} 2: INFER, DEDUCE  3: to gain or regain 
   control of {~ his thoughts}  4: to claim as due and receive payment for  1: 
   ASSEMBLE; also : ACCUMULATE  2a: to collect objects  2b: to receive payment 
   {~ing on his insurance}  - col.lect.ible aj
3. col.lect \k*-'lekt\ av(or aj) : to be paid for by the receiver