Webster's English Dictionary

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1. strip \'strip\ \'stript\ vb or stripped also stript;  also strip.ping 
   [ME strippen, fr. OE -stri-pan; akin to OHG stroufen to st]rip 1a: to 
   remove clothing, covering, or surface matter from  1b: to remove (as 
   clothing) from a person  2: to divest of honors, privileges, or functions  
   3a: to remove extraneous or superficial matter from {a prose style st 
   ripped to the bones} 3b: to remove furniture, equipment, or accessories 
   from {~ a ship  for action} 4: PLUNDER, SPOIL  5: to make bare or clear (as 
   by cutting or grazing)  6: DISMANTLE, DISASSEMBLE  7: to finish a milking 
   of by pressing the last available milk from the tea ts {~ a cow} 8: to 
   remove cured leaves from the stalks of (tobacco) or the midrib from  
   (tobacco leaves) 9: to tear or damage the screw thread of (a bolt or nut)  
   10: to separate (components) from a mixture or solution  1: to take off 
   clothes : UNDRESS  2: PEEL vi1; specif : to perform a striptease 
2. strip n [perh. fr. MLG strippe strap] 1: a long narrow piece or area  2: