Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. satisfy               
1. con.tent \k*n-'tent\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L contentus, fr. pp. of 
   contine-re to hold in,]contain : SATISFIED, CONTENTED 
2. content vt 1: to appease the desires of  2: to limit (oneself) in 
   requirements, desires, or actions 
3. content n : CONTENTMENT; esp : freedom from care or discomfort 
4. con.tent \'ka-n.tent\ n [ME, fr. L contentus, pp. of contine-re to 
   contain] usu pl  1a: something contained {room's ~s}  1b: the topics or 
   matter treated in a written work  2a: SUBSTANCE, GIST  2b: essential 
   meaning : SIGNIFICANCE  2c: the events, physical detail, and information in 
   a work of art  3a: the matter dealt with in a field of study  3b: a part, 
   element, or complex of parts  4: the amount of specified material contained