Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. law                    2. decide                 3. govern                
1. rule \'ru:l\ n [ME reule, fr. OF, fr. L regula straightedge, rule, fr. 
   regereX to lead straight - more at RIGHT 1a: a prescribed guide for conduct 
   or action  1b: the laws or regulations prescribed by the founder of a 
   religious order  for observance by its members 1c: an accepted procedure, 
   custom, or habit  1d1: a usu. written order or direction made by a court 
   regulating court pra ctice or the action of parties 1d2: a legal precept or 
   doctrine  1e: a regulation or bylaw governing procedure or controlling 
   conduct  2a1: a usu. valid generalization  2a2: a generally prevailing 
   quality, state, or mode  2b: a standard of judgment : CRITERION  2c: a 
   regulating principle  3a: the exercise of authority or control : DOMINION  
   3b: a period during which a specified ruler or government exercises control 
    4a: a strip of material marked off in units used for measuring or ruling 
   of f lengths 4b: a metal strip with a type-high face that prints a linear 
   design; als o : the design so printed
2. rule vt 1a: CONTROL, DIRECT  1b: GUIDE, MANAGE  2a: to exercise 
   authority or power over : GOVERN  2b: to be preeminent in : DOMINATE  3: to 
   declare authoritatively; specif : to command or determine ju dicially 4a1: 
   to mark with lines drawn along or as if along the straight edge of a  ruler 
   4a2: to mark (a line) on a paper with a ruler  4b: to arrange in a line  
   1a: to exercise supreme authority  1b: PREDOMINATE, PREVAIL  2: to exist in 
   a specified state or condition  3: to lay down a legal rule