Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. regard                
1. re.spect \ri-'spekt\ \-'spek(t)-f*l\ \-f*-le-\ n [ME, fr. L respectus, 
   lit., act of looking back, fr. respectus, pp.] of respicere to look back, 
   regard, fr. re- + specere to look - more at SPY 1: a relation to or concern 
   with something usu. specified : REFERENCE)M 2: an act of giving particular 
   attention : CONSIDERATION  3a: high or special regard : ESTEEM  3b: the 
   quality or state of being esteemed : HONOR  pl  3c: expressions of respect 
   or deference  4: PARTICULAR, DETAIL  - re.spect.ful aj
2. respect vt 1a: to consider worthy of high regard : ESTEEM  1b: to 
   refrain from interfering with {~ one's privacy}  2: to have reference to : 
   CONCERN  - re.spect.er n