Webster's English Dictionary

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1. gang \'gan\ n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG gang act of going, Skt jan.gha- 
   shan]k dial Brit  1: JOURNEY, WAY  2a1: OUTFIT, SET  2a2: a combination of 
   similar implements or devices arranged for convenienc e to act together {a 
   ~ of saws} 2b: GROUP : as  2b1: a group of persons working together  2b2: a 
   group of persons working to unlawful or antisocial ends 
2. gang vt 1: to attack in a gang  2a: to assemble or operate 
   simultaneously as a group  2b: to arrange in or produce as a gang (as type 
   pages)  : to move or act as a gang