Webster's English Dictionary

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1. at.tack \*-'tak, substand -'takt\ \-'takt, substand -'tak-t*d\ 
   \-'tak-in, substand -'tak-tin\ vb or at.tacked;  or at.tack.ing [MF 
   attaquer, fr. (assumed) OIt estaccare to attach, fr. stacca)X stake, of Gmc 
   origin; akin to OE staca 1: to set upon forcefully  2: to assail with 
   unfriendly or bitter words  3: to begin to affect or to act upon 
   injuriously  4: to set to work upon  : to make an attack M mean to make an 
   onslaught upon. ATTACK implies taking the initiative in a struggle; ASSAIL 
   implies attempting to break down resistance by repeated blows or shots; 
   ASSAULT suggests a direct attempt to overpower by suddenness and violence 
   of onslaught; BOMBARD implies attacking with bombs or shells; in extended 
   use it suggests continuous pestering; STORM implies attempting to break 
   into a defended position by the irresistible weight of rapidly advancing 
2. attack n 1: the act of attacking : ASSAULT  2: an offensive or 
   antagonistic action  3: the beginning of destructive action (as by a 
   chemical agent)  4: the setting to work upon some undertaking  5: the act 
   or manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase  6: a fit of sickness; esp 
   : an active episode of a chronic or recur rent disease