Webster's English Dictionary

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1. thread \'thred\ \-.li-k\ n [ME thred, fr. OE thr-d; akin to OHG 
   dra-t wir]e, OE thra-wan to cause to twist or turn - more at THROW 1a: a 
   filament, a group of filaments twisted together, or a filamentous len gth 
   formed by spinning and twisting short textile fibers into a continuous 
   strand 1b: a piece of thread  2a: any of various natural filaments {the ~s 
   of a spider web)> 2b: a slender stream  2c: a streak of light or color  2d: 
   SCREW THREAD  3: something felt to resemble a textile thread : as  3a: a 
   train of thought  3b: a continuing element {a ~ of poetry marked all his 
   writing}  4: a tenuous or feeble support  - thread.like aj
2. thread vt 1a: to pass a thread through the eye of (a needle)  1b: to 
   arrange a thread, yarn, or lead-in piece in working position for us e in (a 
   machine) 2a: to pass through in the manner of a thread {~ a pipe with 
   wire)> 2b: to make one's way through or between {~ing narrow alleys } 3: to 
   put together on or as if on a thread : STRING {~ bea ds} 4: to interweave 
   with or as if with threads : INTERSPERSE {dark  hair ~ed with silver} 5: to 
   form a screw thread on or in  1: to thread or wind a way {~ing through 
   narrow passages}  2: to form a thread when poured from a spoon  - thread.er 