Webster's English Dictionary

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1. spin \'spin\ \'sp*n\ vb or spun;  or spin.ning [ME spinnen, fr. OE 
   spinnan; akin to OHG spinnan to spin, L (Xsponte voluntarily, Gk span to 
   draw - more at SPAN 1: to draw out and twist fiber into yarn or thread  2: 
   to form a thread by extruding a viscous rapidly hardening fluid - use d of 
   a spider or insect 3a: to revolve rapidly : GYRATE  3b: to be in a whirl : 
   REEL  4: to move swiftly on wheels or in a vehicle  5: to fish with 
   spinning bait : TROLL  of an airplane  6a: to fall in a spin  6b: to spiral 
   rapidly downward  1a: to draw out and twist into yarns or threads  1b: to 
   produce by drawing out and twisting a fibrous material  2: to form (as a 
   web or cocoon) by spinning  3a: to draw out slowly : PROTRACT  3b: to 
   evolve, express, or fabricate by processes of mind or imagination <(~ a 
   yarn} 4: to cause to whirl : TWIRL  5: to throw off by or as if by 
   centrifugal force 
2. spin n 1a: the act of spinning or twirling something  1b: the whirling 
   motion, imparted by spinning  1c: an excursion in a vehicle esp. on wheels  
   2a: an aerial maneuver or flight condition consisting of a combination of r 
   oll and yaw with the longitudinal axis of the airplane inclined steeply 
   downward 2b: a plunging descent or downward spiral  2c: a mental whirl or 
   state of confusion