Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bel.ly \'bel-e-\ n [ME bely bellows, belly, fr. OE belg bag, skin; akin 
   to OHG balg] bag, skin, OE bla-wan to blow 1a: ABDOMEN  1b: the 
   undersurface of an animal's body; also : hide from this par t 1c: WOMB, 
   UTERUS  1d: the stomach and its adjuncts; also : appetite for food  2: the 
   internal cavity : INTERIOR  3: a surface or object curved or rounded like a 
   human belly  4a: the part of a sail that swells out when filled with wind  
   4b: the enlarged fleshy body of a muscle 
2. belly vb : to swell or bulge out