Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. upright               
1. hon.or.able or hon.our.able \'a:n-(*-)r*-b*l, 'a:n-*r-b*l\ 
   \.a:n-(*-)r*-'bil-*t-e-\ \'a:n-(*-)r*-b*l-n*s, 'a:n-*r-b*l-\ \-ble-\ aj 
   chiefly Brit  1: deserving of honor  2: performed or accompanied with marks 
   of honor or respect  3a: of great renown : ILLUSTRIOUS  3b: entitled to 
   honor - used as a title for the children of certain Brit ish noblemen and 
   for various government officials 4a: doing credit to the possessor  4b: 
   consistent with an untarnished reputation  5: characterized by integrity : 
   ETHICAL  - hon.or.abil.i.ty n
2. honorable or honourable n chiefly Brit  1: any of various members of 
   British noble families  2: any of various officials to whom the title of 
   Honorable is applied