Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. belief                 2. influence              3. ascribe               
1. cred.it \'kred-*t\ n [MF, fr. OIt credtito, fr. L creditum something 
   entrusted to anothe]r, loan, fr. neut. of creditus, pp. of credere to 
   believe, entrust - more at CREED 1a: the balance in a person's favor in an 
   account  1b: an amount or sum placed at a person's disposal by a bank  1c: 
   time given for payment for goods or services sold on trust  1d1: an entry 
   on the right-hand side of an account constituting an addition  to a 
   revenue, net worth, or liability account 1d2: a deduction from an expense 
   or asset account  1e: any one of or the sum of the items entered on the 
   right-hand side of an  account 1f: a deduction from an amount otherwise due 
    2: reliance on the truth or reality of something : FAITH  3a: influence or 
   power derived from enjoying the confidence of another or o thers : STANDING 
   3b: good name : ESTEEM; also : financial or commercial trus tworthiness 
   archaic  4: CREDIBILITY  5: a source of honor  6a: something that gains or 
   adds to reputation or esteem : HONOR  6b: RECOGNITION, ACKNOWLEDGMENT  7: 
   recognition by a school or college that a student has fulfilled a requir 
   ement leading to a degree
2. credit vt [partly fr. 1credit; partly fr. L creditus, pp.] 1: to supply 
   goods on credit to  2: to trust in the truth of : BELIEVE  archaic  3: to 
   bring credit or honor upon  4: to enter upon the credit side of an account  
   5a: to give credit to  5b: to attribute to some person