Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. moral                 
1. no.ble \'no--b*l\ \-b(*-)l*r\ \-b(*-)l*st\ \-b*l-n*s\ \-ble- also 
   -b*-le-\ aj or no.bler;  or no.blest [ME, fr. OF, fr. L nobilis knowable, 
   well known, noble, fr. noscere] to come to know - more at KNOW 1a: 
   possessing outstanding qualities : ILLUSTRIOUS  1b: FAMOUS, NOTABLE {~ 
   deed}  2: of high birth or exalted rank : ARISTOCRATIC  3a: possessing very 
   high or excellent qualities or properties {~ h awk} 3b: very good or 
   excellent  4: grand or impressive esp. in appearance {~ edifice}  5: 
   possessing, characterized by, or arising from superiority of mind or ch 
   aracter : MAGNANIMOUS {~ nature} 6: chemically inert or inactive esp. 
   toward oxygen {~ metal}  - no.ble.ness n
2. no.ble \'no--b*l\ n 1: a person of noble rank or birth  2: an old 
   English gold coin equivalent to 6s 8d  slang  3: a captain of 
   strikebreakers or an overseer in charge of strikebreaking o perations