Webster's English Dictionary

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1. im.age \'im-ij\ n [ME, fr. OF, short for imagene, fr. L imagin-, imago; 
   akin to] L imitari to imitate 1: a reproduction or imitation of the form of 
   a person or thing; esp  : an imitation in solid form 2a: the optical 
   counterpart of an object produced by a lens, mirror, or oth er optical 
   system 2b: any likeness of an object produced on a photographic material  
   3: exact likeness  4a: a tangible or visible representation : INCARNATION  
   archaic  4b: an illusory form : APPARITION  5a1: a mental picture of 
   something not actually present : IMPRESSIONM 5a2: a mental conception held 
   in common by members of a group and symbolic  of a basic attitude and 
   orientation 5b: IDEA, CONCEPT  6: a vivid or graphic representation or 
   description  7a: something introduced to represent something else that it 
   strikingly res embles or suggests 7b: FIGURE OF SPEECH  8: a person 
   strikingly like another person 
2. image vt 1: to describe or portray in language esp. vividly  2: to call 
   up a mental picture of : IMAGINE  3a: REFLECT, MIRROR  3b: to make appear : 
   PROJECT  4a: to create a representation of  4b: to represent symbolically