idea \i--'de--*, 'i-d-(.)e--*, esp South 'i-d-e-\ \i--'de--*-l*s\ n [L, fr.
Gk, fr. idein to see - more at WIT] 1a: a transcendent entity that is a
real pattern of which existing things a re imperfect representations 1b: a
standard of perfection : IDEAL 1c: a plan for action : DESIGN archaic 2:
a visible representation of a conception : a replica of a pattern obs 3a:
an image recalled by memory 3b: an indefinite or unformed conception :
SUPPOSITION 3c: an entity (as a thought, concept, sensation, or image)
actually or pote ntially present to consciousness 4: a formulated thought
or opinion 5: whatever is known or supposed regarding an object 6: the
central meaning or chief end of a particular action or situation Christian
Science 7: an image in Mind RESSION: IDEA may apply to a mental image or
formulation of something seen or known or imagined, or to a pure
abstraction, or to something assumed or vaguely sensed; CONCEPT may apply
to the idea formed by consideration of instances of a species or genus or,
more broadly, to any idea of what a thing ought to be; CONCEPTION is often
interchangeable with CONCEPT; it may stress the process of imagining or
formulating rather than the result; THOUGHT is likely to suggest the result
of reflecting, reasoning, or meditating rather than of imagining; NOTION
suggests an idea not much resolved by analysis or reflection and may
suggest the capricious or accidental; IMPRESSION applies to an idea or
notion resulting immediately from some stimulation of the senses -