Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ini.tial \in-'ish-*l\ \-'ish-(*-)le-\ \-'ish-*l-n*s\ aj [MF & L; MF, fr. 
   L initialis, fr. initium beginning, fr. initus)X, pp. of inire to go into, 
   fr. in- + ire to go - more at ISSUE 1: of or relating to the beginning : 
   INCIPIENT  2: placed at the beginning : FIRST  - ini.tial.ly av
2. initial n 1a: the first letter of a name  1b: a large letter beginning a 
   text or a division or paragraph  2: ANLAGE, PRECURSOR; specif : a 
   meristematic cell 
3. initial \-'ish-(*-)lin\ vt or ini.tialed or ini.tialled;  or 
   ini.tial.ing;  or ini.tial.ling : to affix an initial to