Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fasten                
1. af.fix \*-'fiks\ \.af-.ik-'sa--sh*n\ vt [ML affixare, fr. L affixus, pp. 
   of affigere to fasten to, fr]. ad- + figere to fasten - more at DIKE 1: to 
   attach physically : FASTEN {~ a stamp to a letter}  2: to attach in any way 
   : ADD, APPEND {~ a signature  to a document} 3: IMPRESS {~ed his seal}  - 
   af.fix.ation n
2. af.fix or af.fix.i.al \'af-.iks\ \-.ik-s*l\ \a-'fik-se--*l\ n 1: a sound 
   or sequence of sounds or a letter or sequence of letters occurri ng as a 
   bound form attached to the beginning or end of a word, base, or phrase or 
   inserted within a word or base and serving to produce a derivative word or 
   an inflectional form 2: APPENDAGE  - af.fix.a.l aj