Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. begin                 
1. ini.ti.ate \in-'ish-e--.a-t\ \-.a-t-*r\ vt [LL initiatus, pp. of 
   initiare, fr. L, to induct, fr. initium] 1: to set going : START  2: to 
   instruct in the rudiments or principles of something : INTRODUC E 3: to 
   induct into membership by or as if by special rites  - ini.ti.a.tor n
2. ini.tiate \in-'ish-(e--)*t\ aj 1: INITIATED  obs  2: relating to an 
3. ini.tiate \in-'ish-(e--)*t\ n 1: a person who is undergoing or has 
   passed an initiation  2: a person who is instructed or adept in some 
   special field