Webster's English Dictionary

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in.sen.si.ble \(')in-'sen(t)-s*-b*l\ \-ble-\ aj [ME, fr. MF & L; MF, fr. L 
   insensibilis, fr. in- + sensibilis] sensible 1: incapable or bereft of 
   feeling or sensation : as  1a: INANIMATE, INSENTIENT {~ earth}  1b: 
   UNCONSCIOUS  1c: lacking sensory perception {~ to pain}; also : depri ved 
   of such perception or ability to react {~ from cold} 2: IMPERCEPTIBLE; 
   broadly : SLIGHT, GRADUAL {(R@ motion} archaic  3: STUPID, SENSELESS  4: 
   APATHETIC, INDIFFERENT {~ to fear}; also :: UNAWARE {~ of their danger} 5: 
   not intelligible : MEANINGLESS  6: lacking delicacy or refinement  - 
   in.sen.si.ble.ness n