Webster's English Dictionary

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1. stu.pid \'st(y)u:-p*d\ aj [MF stupide, fr. L stupidus, fr. stupe-re to 
   be benumbed,]be astonished; akin to Gk typtein to beat - more at TYPE 1a: 
   slow of mind : OBTUSE  1b: UNTHINKING, IRRATIONAL  1c: lacking intelligence 
   or reason : BRUTISH  2a: dulled in feeling or sensation : TORPID  2b: 
   incapable of feeling or sensation : INANIMATE  3: marked by or resulting 
   from dullness : SENSELESS  4: DREARY, BORING lacking in power to absorb 
   ideas or impressions. STUPID implies a slow-witted or dazed state of mind 
   that may be either congenital or temporary; DULL suggests a slow or 
   sluggish mind such as results from disease, depression, or shock; DENSE 
   implies a thickheaded imperviousness to ideas; CRASS suggests a grossness 
   of mind precluding discrimination or delicacy; DUMB applies to an 
   exasperating obtuseness or lack of comprehension - stu.pid.ly av SYN syn 
2. stupid n : a stupid person