in.dif.fer.ent \in-'dif-*rnt, -'dif-(*-)r*nt\ aj [ME, fr. MF or L; MF,
regarded as neither good nor bad, fr. L indifferent-X, indifferens, fr. in-
+ different-, differens, prp. of differre to be different - more at
DIFFERENT 1: marked by impartiality : UNBIASED 2a: that does not matter
one way or the other 2b: that has nothing that calls for sanction or
condemnation in either obs ervance or neglect : of no importance or value
one way or the other 3a: marked by no special liking for or dislike of
something 3b: marked by a lack of interest in or concern about something :
APAT HETIC 4: being neither excessive nor defective 5a: being neither good
nor bad : MEDIOCRE 5b: being neither right nor wrong 6: characterized by
lack of active quality : NEUTRAL 7a: UNDIFFERENTIATED 7b: capable of
development in more than one direction; esp : not y et embryologically
determinedDETACHED, DISINTERESTED mean not showing or feeling interest.
INDIFFERENT implies neutrality of attitude from lack of inclination,
preference, or prejudice; UNCONCERNED suggests a lack of sensitivity or
regard for others' needs or troubles; INCURIOUS implies an inability to
take a normal interest due to dullness of mind or to self-centeredness;
ALOOF suggests a cool reserve arising from a sense of superiority or
disdain for inferiors or from shyness; DETACHED implies an objective
attitude achieved through absence of prejudice or selfishness;
DISINTERESTED implies a circumstantial freedom from concern for personal or
esp. financial advantage that enables one to judge or advise without bias - av SYN syn INDIFFERENT, UNCONCERNED, INCURIOUS, ALOOF,