Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. aware                  2. material               3. perceptible           
  4. wise                  
1. sen.si.ble \'sen(t)-s*-b*l\ \-ble-\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L sensibilis, 
   fr. sensus, pp.] 1a: capable of being perceived by the senses or by reason 
   or understanding  1b: of a significant size, amount, or degree {a ~ error}  
   1c1: readily perceptible by the senses  archaic  1c2: tending to produce an 
   acute emotional response either positive or neg ative 1c3: MATERIAL {~ 
   marks of his approval}  2a: capable of receiving sense impressions {~ to 
   pain}  2b: having nice perception or acute feeling : easily affected  3a: 
   COGNIZANT, AWARE; also : PERSUADED, CONVI NCED 3b: emotionally aware  4: 
   having or containing good sense or reason : REASONABLE  - sen.si.ble.ness n
2. sensible n : something that can be sensed