Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cold \'ko-ld\ \'ko-l-(d)le-\ \'ko-l(d)-n*s\ aj [ME, fr. OE ceald, cald; 
   akin to OHG kalt cold, L gelu]frost, gelare to freeze 1: having a 
   temperature notable below a norm  2a: marked by lack of warm feeling : 
   UNEMOTIONAL  2b: done after deliberation or calculation and uncolored by 
   personal feeli ng {a ~ act of aggression} 3a: DEPRESSING, CHEERLESS  3b: 
   producing a sensation of cold : CHILLING {~ blank wall s} 3c: COOL  4a: 
   DEAD  4b: UNCONSCIOUS {out ~}  4c: CERTAIN, SURE  5: made uncomfortable by 
   cold  6a: retaining only faint scents, traces, or clues {~ trail};  also : 
   far from discovering 6b: STALE, UNINTERESTING {~ news}  7: UNPREPARED  : 
   with premeditation : DELIBERATELY  - cold.ly av
2. cold n 1a: a condition of low temperature  1b: cold weather  2: bodily 
   sensation produced by loss or lack of heat : CHILL  3: a bodily disorder 
   popularly associated with chilling; specif : (MCOMMON COLD : without 
   heating  : deprived of benefits given others : NEGLECTED  - in the cold