Webster's English Dictionary

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1. in.sti.tute or in.sti.tu.tor \'in(t)-st*-.t(y)u:t\ \-.t(y)u:t-*r\ vt [ME 
   instituten, fr. L institutus, pp. of instituere, fr. i]n- + statuere to set 
   up - more at STATUTE 1: to establish in a position of office  2a: to 
   originate and get established : ORGANIZE  2b: INAUGURATE, INITIATE  - 
   in.sti.tu.ter n
2. institute n obs  1: an act of instituting  2: something that is 
   instituted : as  2a1: an elementary principle recognized as authoritative  
   pl  2a2: a collection of such principles and percepts; esp : a legal co 
   mpendium 2b: an organization for the promotion of a cause : ASSOCIATION  
   2c: an educational institution  2d: a meeting for instruction or a brief 
   course of such meetings