Webster's English Dictionary

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es.tab.lish \is-'tab-lish\ vb [ME establissen, fr. MF establiss-, stem of 
   establir, fr. L (Xstabilire, fr. stabilis stable 1: to make firm or stable  
   2: to institute (as a law) permanently by enactment or agreement  obs  3: 
   SETTLE  4a: to bring into existence : FOUND {~ed a republic)> 4b: to bring 
   about : EFFECT  5a: to set on a firm basis {~ his son in business}  5b: to 
   put into a favorable position  5c: to gain full recognition or acceptance 
   of  6: to make (a church) a national institution  7: to put beyond doubt : 
   PROVE  of a plant  : to become naturalized  - es.tab.lish.er n