Webster's English Dictionary

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in.ten.si.fy \in-'ten(t)-s*-.fi-\ vt 1: to make intense or more intensive : 
   STRENGTHEN  2a: to increase the density and contrast of (a photographic 
   image) by chem ical treatment 2b: to make more acute : SHARPEN  : to become 
   intense or more intensive : grow stronger or more acute  to increase 
   markedly in measure or degree. INTENSIFY implies a deepening or 
   strengthening of a thing or of its characteristic quality; AGGRAVATE 
   implies an increasing in gravity or seriousness, esp. the worsening of 
   something already bad or undesirable; HEIGHTEN suggests a lifting above the 
   ordinary or accustomed; ENHANCE implies a raising or strengthening above 
   the normal in desirability, value, or attractiveness SYN syn INTENSIFY,