Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. explain               
in.ter.pret \in-'t*r-pr*t, rapid -p*t\ \in-.t*r-pr*t-*-'bil-*t-e-, rapid 
   -p*t-\ \in-'t*r-pr*t-*-b*l, rapid -p*t-\ \-*r\ \-iv\ vb [ME interpreten, 
   fr. MF&L; MF interpreter, fr. L interpretari], fr. interpret-, interpres 
   agent, negotiator, interpreter 1: to explain the meaning of : ELUCIDATE  2: 
   to conceive in the light of individual belief, judgment, or circumstanc e : 
   CONSTRUE 3: to represent by means of art : bring to realization by 
   performance (~s a role} : to act as an interpreter between speakers of 
   different languages  - in.ter.pret.abil.i.ty n