Webster's English Dictionary

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1. knock \'na:k\ vb [ME knoken, fr. OE cnocian; akin to MHG knochen to 
   press] 1: to strike something with a sharp blow  2: to collide with 
   something  3a: BUSTLE  3b: WANDER  4a: to make a pounding noise  4b: to 
   have engine knock  5: to find fault  1a1: to strike sharply  1a2: to drive, 
   force, or make by so striking  1b: to set forcibly in motion with a blow  
   2: to cause to collide  3: to find fault with 
2. knock n 1a: a sharp blow  1b1: a severe misfortune or hardship  1b2: 
   SETBACK, REVERSAL  2a: a pounding noise  2b: a sharp metallic noise caused 
   by abnormal ignition in an automobile eng ine 3: a harsh and often petty 