Webster's English Dictionary

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1. find \'fi-nd\ \'fau.nd\ vb or found;  or find.ing [ME finden, fr. OE 
   findan; akin to OHG findan to find, L p]ont-, pons bridge, Gk pontos sea, 
   Skt patha way, course 1a: to come upon often accidentally : ENCOUNTER  1b: 
   to meet with (a particular reception) {hoped to ~ favor}  2a: to come upon 
   by searching or effort  2b: to discover by study or experiment  2c: to 
   obtain by effort or management {~ the time to study}  2d: to arrive at : 
   REACH {the bullet found its mark}  2e: to discover by sounding  3a: 
   EXPERIENCE, DETECT {~ much pleasure in his company } 3b: to perceive 
   (oneself) to be in a certain place or condition {foun d himself in a 
   dilemma} 3c: to gain or regain the use or power of {trying to ~ his 
   tongue)> 3d: to bring (oneself) to a realization of one's powers or sphere 
   of activ ity 4a: PROVIDE, SUPPLY  4b: to furnish (room and board) esp. as a 
   condition of employment  5: to settle upon and make a statement about (as a 
   conclusion) {~  a verdict} : to determine a case judicially by a verdict {~ 
   for the defendan t} : to criticize unfavorably  - find fault 
2. find n 1: an act or instance of finding  2: something found; esp : a 
   valuable item of discovery