Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sharp \'sha:rp\ aj [ME, fr. OE scearp; akin to OE scieran to cut - more 
   at SHEAR)M 1: adapted to cutting or piercing : as  1a: having a thin keen 
   edge or fine point  1b: briskly or sharply cold : NIPPING  1c: composed of 
   hard angular particles : GRITTY  2a: keen in intellect : QUICK-WITTED  2b: 
   keen in perception : ACUTE  2c: keen in attention : VIGILANT  2d: keen in 
   attention to one's own interest sometimes to the point of bein g unethical 
   {a ~ trader} 3: keen in spirit or action : as  3a: EAGER, BRISK  3b: 
   capable of acting or reacting strongly; esp : CAUSTIC  4: SEVERE, HARSH : 
   as  4a: inclined to or marked by irritability or anger  4b: causing intense 
   mental or physical distress  4c: cutting in language or import  5: 
   affecting the senses or sense organs intensely : as  5a1: having a strong 
   odor or flavor {~ cheese}  5a2: ACRID  5b: having a strong piercing sound  
   5c: having the effect of or involving a sudden brilliant display of light  
   6a: terminating in a point or edge {~ features}  6b: involving an abrupt 
   change in direction {a ~ turn}  6c: clear in outline or detail : DISTINCT  
   6d: set forth with clarity and distinctness {~ contrast}  of a tone  7a: 
   raised a half step in pitch  7b: higher than the proper pitch  7c: MAJOR, 
   AUGMENTED - used of an interval in music  7d: having a sharp in the 
   signature {key of F ~}  8: STYLISH, DRESSY or point making cutting or 
   piercing easy; applied to persons it implies quick perception or analysis, 
   clever resourcefulness, or questionable trickiness; KEEN applies esp. to a 
   very sharp edge or may suggest a poignant, a zestful, or a bracing quality; 
   ACUTE stresses a power to penetrate and may apply to the senses or to 
   mental faculties such as logical discrimination - sharp.ly av SYN syn KEEN, 
   ACUTE: SHARP applies to things with an edge 
2. sharp vt : to raise (as a musical tone) in pitch; esp : to raise in 
   pitch  by a half step to sing or play above the proper pitch
3. sharp av 1: in a sharp manner : SHARPLY  2: PRECISELY, EXACTLY {4 
   o'clock ~} 
4. sharp n : one that is sharp : as  : a sharp edge or point  : a musical 
   note or tone one half step higher than a note or tone named  : a character 
   # on a line or space of the musical staff indicating a pit ch a half step 
   higher than the degree would indicate without it : a long sewing needle 
   with sharp point  : a real or self-styled expert; also : SHARPER