Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fire engine           
1. en.gine \'en-j*n\ n [ME engin, fr. OF, fr. L ingenium natural 
   disposition, talent, fr.]in- + gignere to beget obs  1a: INGENUITY  1b: 
   evil contrivance : WILE  archaic  2: something used to effect a purpose : 
   AGENT  3a: a mechanical tool : as  3a1: an instrument or machine of war  
   obs  3a2: a torture implement  3b: MACHINERY  3c: any of various mechanical 
   appliances  4: a machine for converting any of various forms of energy into 
   mechanical  force and motion 5: a railroad locomotive 
2. engine vt : to equip with an engine