Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. infuse                
1. leav.en \'lev-*n\ n [ME levain, fr. MF, fr. (assumed) VL levamen, fr. L 
   levare to] raise - more at LEVER 1a: a substance (as yeast) used to produce 
   fermentation in dough or a liqui d; esp : SOURDOUGH 1b: a material (as 
   baking powder) used to produce a gas that lightens dough  or batter 2: 
   something that modifies or lightens as mass or aggregate 
2. leaven \'lev-(*-)nin\ vt or leav.en.ing 1: to raise (as bread) with a 
   leaven  2: to mingle or permeate with some modifying, alleviating, or 
   vivifying el ement