Webster's English Dictionary

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1. gas \'gas\ n or gas.es also gas.ses [NL, alter. of chaos air, fr. L, 
   chaos] pl  1: a fluid (as air) that has neither independent shape nor 
   volume but tends  to expand indefinitely 2a: a gas or gaseous mixture with 
   the exception of atmospheric air : as  2a1: a gas or gaseous mixture used 
   to produce anesthesia  2a2: a combustible gaseous mixture (as for fuel)  
   2b: a substance that can be used to produce a poisonous, asphyxiating, or i 
   rritant atmosphere slang  3: empty talk : BOMBAST  4: GASOLINE 
2. gas vb or gassed;  or gas.sing 1a: to treat chemically with gas  slang  
   2: to address with idle talk  3: to supply with gas or esp. gasoline {~ up 
   the automobile}  1: to give off gas  slang  2: to talk idly  3: to fill the 
   tank (as of an automobile) with gasoline - often used wit h up