Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bat.ter \'bat-*r\ vb [ME bateren, prob. freq. of batten to bat, fr. bat] 
   1a: to beat with successive blows so as to bruise, shatter, or demolish  
   1b: BOMBARD  2: to subject to strong, overwhelming or repeated attack  3: 
   to wear or damage by blows or hard usage  : to strike heavily and 
   repeatedly : BEAT 
2. batter n [ME bater, prob. fr. bateren] 1: a mixture that consists of 
   flour, liquid, and other ingredients and is t hin enough to pour or drop 
   from a spoon 2: a damaged area on a printing surface 
3. batter vt [origin unknown] : to give a receding upward slope to 
4. batter n : a receding upward slope of the outer face of a wall or other 
5. batter n : one that bats; esp : the player whose turn it is to bat