Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. sum                   
1. ag.gre.gate \'ag-ri-g*t\ aj [ME aggregat, fr. L aggregatus, pp. of 
   aggregare to add to, f]r. ad- + greg-, grex flock - more at GREGARIOUS : 
   formed by the collection of units or particles into a body, mass, or 
   amount : COLLECTIVE : as : clustered in a dense mass or head {an ~ flower}  : 
   formed from the several ovaries of a single flower  : composed of mineral 
   crystals of one or more kinds or of mineral or roc k fragments - 
   ag.gre.gate.ly av
2. ag.gre.gate \-.ga-t\ vt 1: to collect or gather into a mass or whole  2: 
   to amount in the aggregate to 
3. ag.gre.gate \-g*t\ n 1: a mass or body of units or parts somewhat 
   loosely associated with one an other 2: the whole sum or amount : SUM TOTAL 
    3a: an aggregate rock  3b: any of several hard inert materials used for 
   mixing with a cementing material to form concrete, mortar, or plaster 3c: 
   a clustered mass of individual soil particles varied in shape, ranging in 
   size from a microscopic granule to a small crumb, and considered the basic 
   structural unit of soil 4: SET