Webster's English Dictionary

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1. le.vee \'lev-e-; l*-'ve-, -'va-\ n [F lever, fr. MF, act of arising, fr. 
   (se) lever to rise] 1: a reception held by a person of distinction on 
   rising from bed  2: an afternoon assembly at which the British king or his 
   representative re ceives only men 3: a reception usu. in honor of a 
   particular person 
2. lev.ee \'lev-e-\ n [F leve`e, fr. OF, act of raising, fr. lever to raise 
   - more at]LEVER 1a: an embankment to prevent flooding  1b: a river landing 
   place : PIER  2: a small continuous dike or ridge of earth for confining 
   the irrigation c hecks of land to be flooded
3. lev.ee \'lev-e-\ vt or lev.eed;  or lev.ee.ing : to provide with a levee