Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dike \'di-k\ n [ME, fr. OE di-c ditch, dike; akin to MHG ti-ch pond, 
   dike, L] figere to fasten, pierce 1: an artificial watercourse : DITCH  
   dial Brit  2a: a wall or fence of turf or stone  2b: a bank usu. of earth 
   constructed to control or confine water : LEV EE 2c: a barrier preventing 
   passage esp. of something undesirable  3a: a raised causeway  3b: a tabular 
   body of igneous rock that has been injected while molten into  a fissure
2. dike vt : to surround or protect with a dike; also : to drain by a dike  
   - dik.er n