Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. spring                
1. rise \'ri-z\ \'ro-z\ \'riz-*n\ \'ri--zin\ vi or rose;  or ris.en or 
   ris.ing [ME risen, fr. OE ri-san; akin to OHG ri-san to rise, L] oriri to 
   rise, rivus stream, Gk ornynai to rouse 1a: to assume an upright position 
   esp. from lying, kneeling, or sitting  1b: to get up from sleep or from 
   one's bed  2: to return from death  3: to take up arms  4: to respond 
   warmly - usu. used with to  5: to end a session : ADJOURN  6: to appear 
   above the horizon {sun ~s at six}  7a: to move upward : ASCEND  7b: to 
   increase in height, size, or volume  8: to extend above other objects  9a: 
   to become heartened or elated {his spirits rose}  9b: to increase in fervor 
   or intensity  10a: to attain a higher level or rank  10b: to increase in 
   quantity or number  11a: to take place : HAPPEN  11b: to come into being : 
   ORIGINATE  12: to follow as a consequence : RESULT  13: to exert oneself to 
   meet a challenge {~ to the occasion} 
2. rise \'ri-z also 'ri-s\ n 1: an act of rising or a state of being risen 
   : as  1a: a movement upward : ASCENT  1b: emergence (as of the sun) above 
   the horizon  1c: the upward movement of a fish to seize food or bait  2: 
   BEGINNING, ORIGIN  3: the distance or elevation of one point above another  
   4a: an increase in amount, number, or volume  4b: an increase in price, 
   value, rate, or sum  5a: an upward slope  5b: a spot higher than 
   surrounding ground  6: an angry reaction