Webster's English Dictionary

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mon.u.ment \'ma:n-y*-m*nt\ n [ME, fr. L monumentum, lit., memorial, fr. 
   mone-re to remind -] more at MIND obs  1: a burial vault : SEPULCHER  
   archaic  2: a written legal document or record : TREATISE  3a: a lasting 
   evidence or reminder of someone or something notable  3b: a memorial stone 
   or a building erected in remembrance of a person or ev ent archaic  4: an 
   identifying mark : EVIDENCE; also : PORTENT, MSIGN obs  5: a carved statue 
   : EFFIGY  6: a boundary marker (as a stone)  7: a mountain, canyon, or area 
   reserved by the government as public propert y 8: a written tribute