Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. jump                  
1. vault \'vo.lt\ n [ME voute, fr. MF, fr. (assumed) VL volvita turn, 
   vault, prob. fr.]volvitare 1a: an arched structure of masonry usu. forming 
   a ceiling or roof  1b: something (as the sky) resembling a vault  1c: an 
   arched or dome-shaped anatomical structure  2a: a space covered by an 
   arched structure; esp : an underground pa ssage or room 2b: an underground 
   storage compartment  2c: a room or compartment for the safekeeping of 
   valuables  3a: a burial chamber  3b: a prefabricated container usu. of 
   metal or concrete into which a casket  is placed at burial
2. vault vt : to form or cover with or as if with a vault : ARCH 
3. vault vb [MF volter, fr. OIt voltare, fr. (assumed) VL volvitare to 
   tu]rn, leap, freq. of L volvere to roll - more at VOLUBLE : to bound 
   vigorously; esp : to execute a leap using the hands or  a pole : to leap 
   over; esp : to leap over by aid of the hands or a pole 
4. vault n : an act of vaulting : LEAP