Webster's English Dictionary

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1. muck \'m*k\ \'m*k-e-\ n [ME muk, perh. fr. OE -moc; akin to ON myki dung 
   - more at]MUCUS 1: soft moist farmyard manure  2: slimy dirt or filth  3: 
   defamatory remarks or writings  4a1: dark highly organic soil  4a2: MIRE, 
   MUD  4b: something resembling muck  5: material removed in the process of 
   excavating or mining  - mucky aj
2. muck vt 1a: to clean up; esp : to clear of manure or filth  1b: to clear 
   of muck  2: to dress with muck  3: to dirty with muck : SOIL  - muck.er n