Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dirty \'d*rt-e-\ aj 1a: not clean or pure {~ linen}  1b: likely to 
   befoul or defile with dirt {~ job}  1c: tedious, disagreeable, and 
   unrecognized or thankless {assistants did  the ~ work} 1d: contaminated 
   with infecting organisms {~ wounds}  2a: BASE, SORDID {war is a ~ business} 
    2b: UNSPORTSMANLIKE  2c: highly regrettable : GRIEVOUS {~ shame}  3: 
   INDECENT, SMUTTY  4: FOGGY, STORMY  of color  5a: not clear and bright : 
   DULLISH  5b: characterized by a husky, rasping, or raw tonal quality  6: 
   conveying ill-natured resentment  7: having considerable fallout an 
   conspicuously unclean or impure. DIRTY emphasizes the fact of the presence 
   of dirt rather than an emotional reaction; FILTHY adds the suggestion of 
   offensiveness and usu. of dirt that disfigures or clutters up; FOUL implies 
   extreme offensiveness and an accumulation of what is rotten or stinking; 
   NASTY applies to what is actually foul or is repugnant to one accustomed to 
   or expecting cleanliness, freshness, or sweetness; SQUALID implies extreme 
   dirtiness and extreme slovenliness or neglect. All these terms apply to 
   obscenity or to morally reprehensible acts; the first four often to rainy 
   or foggy weather SYN syn DIRTY, FILTHY, FOUL, NASTY, SQUALID me 
2. dirty vt 1: to make dirty  2a: to stain with dishonor  2b: to debase by 
   distorting the real nature of  : to become soiled