Webster's English Dictionary

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1. clean \'kle-n\ \'kle-n-n*s\ aj [ME clene, fr. OE clne; akin to OHG 
   kleini delicate,] dainty, Gk glainoi ornaments 1a: free from dirt or 
   pollution; specif : not fouled {ship with  a ~ bottom} 1b: free from 
   contamination or disease  1c: relatively free from radioactive fallout  2a: 
   free from admixture : PURE  of a precious stone  2b: having no interior 
   flaws visible  2c: free from growth that hinders tillage  3: characterized 
   by moral integrity : HONORABLE  4: ceremonially or spiritually pure  5a: 
   THOROUGH, COMPLETE  5b: deftly executed : SKILLFUL  6a: relatively free 
   from error or blemish : CLEAR; specif :: LEGIBLE {~ copy)} 6b: UNENCUMBERED 
   {~ bill of sale}  7a: characterized by clarity and precision : TRIM  7b: 
   EVEN, SMOOTH {a ~ edge}  8a: having or carrying nothing : EMPTY  slang  8b: 
   carrying no concealed weapons  9: habitually neat  - clean.ness n
2. clean av : in a clean manner 
3. clean \'kle--n*-b*l\ vt 1: to rid of dirt, impurities, or extraneous 
   matter : PURGE  2a: STRIP, EMPTY  slang  2b: deprive of money or 
   possessions  : to undergo or perform a process of cleaning {~ up before 
   dinner } - clean.able aj