Webster's English Dictionary

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out.ra.geous \au.t-'ra--j*s\ aj 1a: EXCESSIVE, EXTRAVAGANT  1b: FANCIFUL, 
   FANTASTIC  2: VIOLENT, UNRESTRAINED  3a: doing grave insult or injury : 
   ATROCIOUS  3b: extremely offensive : RUDE an enormously bad or horrible. 
   OUTRAGEOUS implies exceeding the limits of what is bearable or endurable; 
   MONSTROUS applies to what is abnormally or fantastically wrong, absurd, or 
   horrible; HEINOUS implies being so flagrantly evil as to excite hatred or 
   horror; ATROCIOUS implies merciless cruelty, savagery, or contempt of 
   ordinary values - out.ra.geous.ly av SYN syn OUTRAGEOUS, MONSTROUS,