Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. imaginary             
1. fan.tas.tic \fan-'tas-tik, f*n-\ \-ti-k*l\ \(.)fan-.tas-ti-'kal-*t-e-, 
   f*n-\ \fan-'tas-ti-k(*-)le-, 'f*n-\ \-k*l-n*s\ aj [ME fantastic, 
   fantastical, fr. MF & LL; MF fantastique, fr.]LL phantasticus, fr. Gk 
   phantastikos producing mental images, fr. phantazein to present to the mind 
   1a: based on fantasy : IMAGINARY  1b: conceived or seemingly conceived by 
   unrestrained fancy  1c: exceedingly or unbelievably great  2: marked by 
   extravagant fantasy or extreme individuality : ECCENTRIC ined extravagance 
   in conception or merely ingenuity of decorative invention; BIZARRE applies 
   to the sensationally queer or strange and implies violence of contrast or 
   incongruity of combination; GROTESQUE may apply to what is conventionally 
   ugly but artistically effective or it may connote ludicruous awkwardness or 
   incongruity often with sinister or tragic overtones - fan.tas.ti.cal aj SYN 
   syn BIZARRE, GROTESQUE: FANTASTIC may connote unrestra 
2. fantastic n archaic  : ECCENTRIC