Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. offend                 2. affront               
1. in.sult \in-'s*lt\ vb [MF or L; MF insulter, fr. L insultare, lit., to 
   spring upon, fr. (Xin- + saltare to leap - more at SALTATION archaic  : to 
   behave with pride or arrogance : VAUNT  1a: to treat with insolence, 
   indignity, or contempt : AFFRONT  1b: to make little of  obs  2: ASSAULT  - 
   in.sult.er n
2. in.sult \'in-.s*lt\ n archaic  1: an act of attacking  2: a gross 
   indignity : INSOLENCE  3: injury to the body or one of its parts